How to understand the “Sent statuses” for a request

2 min read

A request that is sent via email will have a sent status. This implies that the request has been sent by our email servers, but not yet received by the recipient’s email server. A sent request via email can either be delivered or it can fail to be delivered. More than 99,9% of emails are delivered, and typically a failed email is due to a typo in the email address. But if the email did not reach the recipient, then it can either be:

  • deferred - The receiving server delayed acceptance of the message.
  • bounced - The receiving server denied the message, and Meo will suppress the recipient’s email address going forward. If this happens, then get in contact with and we can open up the email address again if needed.
  • blocked - The receiving server denied the message, but Meo will not suppress the email address.
  • dropped - in some cases, an email can be dropped if the recipient’s address has been flagged or similar. This is to protect the platform’s email reliability. If this happens, contact and we can open up the email address again if needed.

But typically the email will simply end up being delivered. When this is the case, then it means that the email has been accepted by the recipient’s email server/provider. Note that a delivered email can be in the user’s spam folder. A spam folder is a folder on the email account after it has been received, so we cannot detect if the email has ended up in the spam filter. However, we have sent emails to 10.000+ unique email addresses with high engagement which causes our email reputation to be very high and the spam folder issue is very rare.

Also worth noting, is that a request with the status delivered, has likely not been opened by the recipient. Because if the email has been opened, then the status will change to opened. This means that the recipient has received the email and has opened the email. This can be useful to know, if you have the need of contacting the client.

Furthermore, the last active status is the clicked. When the status is clicked, then it means that the recipient has received the email, opened it and clicked the ‘start’ button. This is useful information to know that the client has started the process.

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