How to archive information?

3 min read

How does archiving work in Meo?

Archive in Meo is straightforward, but you need to know how and when to use it.

In Meo, the archive system works by “taking a copy of the active data and placing it in a separate archival location”. This means that the original data on the client is not deleted automatically or removed automatically. The clean up process is separate from the ‘copy data to an archive’ process, although often the clean up process would start immediately after the archiving process.

Archiving on a case-basis or client-basis?

The two most commonly used methods for archiving are on a case-basis or on a client-basis. Both are valid, and is a decision for your organization to decide which method best suits your workflow.

Archiving for each case gives a more detailed view of exactly which data was available for each case, while archiving on a client-basis gives a broader view of which data is available at the end of the client relationship.

Archiving on a case-basis

If you archive on a case-basis, then that means that you will need to make a copy of the client’s data to the archive every time a case is completed. If a client has three active cases and two are completed, then you should archive two times; one for each case.

Archiving on a client-basis

Instead of archiving the client for each case, then you maintain a view and history of the client in the Meo platform. When the client is no longer a client, then you will need to archive everything in one Archive Key for the whole client.

How to archive in the Meo workspace?

To archive, you simply go to the profile of the entity(person or company) that you want to archive, and click the ‘Archive information’ action from the 3-dot action menu. This will open the archiving section. Here, you follow the instructions, which will guide you through:

  1. Which data are to be archived?
  1. How long should they be archived?
  1. Under which Archive-Key should the data be archived?

We will discuss each of these below, but they are essentially up for you to decide.

Which data should be archived?

The client data should be archived in accordance with the applicable legislation, for example the Anti Money-Laundering legislation. Here, all of the necessary data must be saved for 5 years after the case and/or client relationship.

There are three groupings of data (basic information (statuses, tags, etc.), datas/attachments and relations), and you can easily choose all three or any specific combination of your choosing.

Note that screenings are not included in the archive automatically and you must save a screening report as an attachment first.

How long should they be archived?

It is up to you to decide how long you wish to save a copy of the data on the archive. Typically this is controlled by a legal requirement, that is typically 5 years from the end of the case and/or client relationship. The system will automatically suggest 5 years, but you are free to choose any length of time or to choose a specific date to archive on.

You can always extend or close an archive at any time.

Under which “Archive Key” should the data be archived?

All archived data are saved under different Archive Keys. These keys are completely up for you to decide the structure of. Most commonly we see our clients using case numbers or client numbers.

We recommend choosing an Archive Keys structure that matches your internal AML workflow.

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